#3 Valuable lessons from a non-MBA Birdie 🐦 lockdown edition


It’s raining heavily today adding to my laziness, I feel sluggish to even move, there were debates going on in my head.
The day was already making me feel worn out, my loved ones far apart, I felt helpless.
Nothing seemed to work out, anymore.
All these running thoughts would not stop and take a break.
It kept me from looking out my window and observing the scene of dark clouds, lightning, rain, pitter-patter sound, and lastly, a bird carrying something in its beak that got way too drenched. It got so doused in the rainwater that it was looking for a halt until the rain stopped. The bird, no matter what happened, didn’t leave or consume what looked like an insect) the thing that it clutched with its beak. I wondered whether it was a meal for his hatchlings!!!
Thunderstorm stuck many a times and bird came close to my balcony and settled warmly inside the covering on one of the railings. I feel that it is all the worth to be a bird with food in it’s beak, even though he got stuck, eventually he got his freedom back and flew happily (food still in his beak) and probably fed the hatchlings, too!!!
If you’d ask, that’s a happy ending for me, wish it could be the same with humans. Things that we need to be alive are quite ordinary and basic: clean clothes, food, fresh air, and a supply of water, but we struggle to gather so much that someday if we wish to move to live by the hills peacefully, we would have to worry about the random possessions we have assembled, rather I call them baggage that’s unnecessarily hoarding space.
Decor pieces, paintings, candles, artistic boxes, storages with trinkets, new cosmetics, old memories, what are these for if not give us peace???

I thought about it myself and promised to become minimal in my means of consumption.

I realized that I needed less but wanted more, thus helping me eliminate the wants and desires to keep myself limited and happy.
Life lesson learnt.
Thanks to the little bird who found itself in my balcony today!!

Stay humble!
I purple you for encouraging me by reading and leaving a comment.

#3 Valuable lessons from a non-MBA Birdie 🐦 lockdown edition

6 thoughts on “#3 Valuable lessons from a non-MBA Birdie 🐦 lockdown edition

  1. Simple, Thoughtful, Observant. Liked how you noticed that tiny little insect on the beak and thought of carrying food by a mother to her hatchlings. A beautiful portrayal of mother’s love putting her little ones ahead of her.


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