Her own world, the one she had built up through the years of her girlhood, was still far more attractive to her than she could imagine the real world ever being.

#4 Life in A Box

Lockdown edition

05 June 2021


Having a Sister=A Lifetime full of joy

Today, I woke up feeling like writing a letter of gratitude after a series of thoughts entered my mind, attacking and vacuuming me into them like an alien spaceship. This is a letter of gratitude to the only constant in my life. I have a younger sister, beautiful, kind, a genius walking on earth, who shines like a star, who excels in every venture she dives into. Who cuts her own hair and laughs at herself, but accepts that everyone makes a mess, she is that person who can alleviate any pain by whipping out a couple of her delicacies. Voila!, sorrow and pain are long gone :))

Her laughter flows free-spirited like a waterfall, her wit cooler than everyone I know. It is known that whenever we both get on a call, we won’t hang up until we have laughed like maniacs that we are. I miss being the crazy heads that we are when we met in person. I recall the last time we met, it was in December of 2019, our youngest siblings were turning 10 years old. We both managed to turn even the gravest situation or place into a laughter club, didn’t we?

I appreciate life a lot more when I have her by my side, our usual shenanigans, and deep life debates, her ability to have an eclectic choice in everything. I sometimes wonder how she is so mature yet kiddo from heart? I suppose she is built that way either by birth or by accumulating life experiences. I can’t say for myself but this girl is infired by the daily dose of her favorite bunny (or double bunny if you must know!!!)

A moment shared with sister is a moment worth remembering.

Life is an absolute miracle when we are accompanied by someone that matches with our ethos, ideologies, our level of inner-child and I am sky-high because this girl makes me feel and come alive each time we have an interaction, however short it is !!

She is dynamite in herself and she radiates pure energy that is infectious making it impossible for us to have a single dull moment with her.

She is my go-to person, even though we are miles apart, she never fails to make me laugh through tears. We both share quite a few similarities be it ideologies, favorites, and experiences which help us in understanding each other better. I am sorry for not being able to come home before the lockdown was imposed. If only I knew!!

Dear Cookie, just know that I am eager to get a glimpse of you, sit with you, stream our favorite music, and have late-night Ramyeon just because we can, sit with you recalling empirical incidents of what we went through, together and individually makes my soul happy and satisfied.

You have my respect for the way you take up the role of an elder when I need guidance & support and I am glad that you are my sister, who sometimes acts as a mother figure too, always or at least 90% of the time you fill the void that is left in my heart. Nothing is tantamount to the love I’ve received from you in this lifetime ๐Ÿ™‚

To quote today’s incident when both of us created a unique group with each other as members, at the same time so we can share our learnings of a new language goes to show how much we are mentally connected and the older we get, the stronger the bond becomes!!!

My younger sis [more like my bestie since you came into the world], I want time to freeze when we meet in person so that I can be with you and share my happiness with you and give you everything I could.

See you, take care until then, Sunshine โ˜€๏ธ



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